everyday food made simple

Instead of writing a blog post on what my life has been like lately (because who would want to listen to me talk about my day when that’s what husbands are for), I decided to write about a few “new” things in my life that are more worth talking about…

1.  What’s new: Books

The Goldfinch

I initially saw a fellow food blogger post this book on her Instagram feed months and months ago, and a few months later, it was listed as one of the “Top 10 books” on People magazine, and since anything that makes it on Instagram and People magazine must be good, I decided to give it a try. I’m only about 10% into the 770-page book, but so far I like it. Not quite the page-turner I was hoping it would be, but it’s good enough to keep me interested in reading a few chapters every night. I’ve heard from multiple people that it does turn out to be quite a good book in the end, so I’m hoping things will pick up a bit the more I get into it.

Since we’re on the subject of books, can I just say that my books-I-want-to-read list on Amazon is growing by the week? It started out as 14 books. Then it grew to 20. Now it’s currently sitting at 29 books. That’s going to be a lot of money spent on books. 


Where I’m going to find the time to read 29 books, I don’t know, but I’ll keep you posted.

2.  What’s new: Things

I’m in love with this honey pot from Le Creuset. They also have a garlic keeper that is also on my “Want” list on Amazon (Yes I already have one. No there’s nothing wrong with the one I have… all Le Creuset products are just automatically cooler in my world).

3.  What’s new: TV shows


New seasons for Survivor and The Amazing Race have started. I’m digging the new Brawn vs. Brains. vs. Beauty thing Survivor is doing this season…. it’s about time they change things up a bit. I think I would totally belong in the Brains tribe – I’m too big of a nerd not to. I’m also very excited that one of my all-time favorite Food Network shows – Worst Cooks in America, is back on again. Have you ever watched that show before? It’s awesome. I’m Team Anne all the way!

4.  What’s new: Weather

I think the state of Minnesota was saving their warm weather for after we have “sprung forward”, because it has been in the high 40s for the past two days, and everyone is loving it. People can finally go out without a heavy winter coat. They are now driving with windows down (bless their brave souls – I’ll wait til May to do that). Just yesterday I went to the gas station and two ladies carried out a total of 6 Slurpies.

#youknowitswarminminnesotawhen: 1) 40 degrees is considered a “heat wave”, and 2) people are walking around in shorts and a hoodie slurping on cold blended beverages.

Everyone came out of their winter hibernation and are now out and enjoying the sunny warm(er) weather. It’s amazing what a 10-degree jump in temperatures can do to your psyche… even Bentley is in love with this warm up since he got to go to the dog park two days in a row!

With winter, cold, snow, and salt on the roads also comes with everyone’s favorite – potholes. Not just your ordinary little potholes – these are potholes big enough to swallow my car. I hit a ginormous pothole on the way to the coffee shop a few weeks back and I thought the whole front wheel of my car was going to break off. I think my heart jumped to my throat, my hands got super sweaty, and I probably mumbled a few curse words under my breath.

The interstates are just as bad. Driving on the highway is like driving Mario Kart trying to dodge the slippery banana peels. Except I not only have to watch out for banana peels (patches of black ice), I also have to swerve and avoid hitting potholes that can break my car. I have already learned where all the major potholes are on my route to work – I can probably draw you a map of where each one is located (and if it’s towards the left or right side of the lane). It takes talent to be able to drive anywhere without your teeth clattering half the way to your destination.

5. What’s new: Food


Have you seen these before? I saw it on commercial last week and decided to give it a try. It also comes in a sharp white cheddar flavor, but I think the cheddar ranch is my favorite. I was actually pleasantly surprised – they do have the texture of a “chip”. Not chip as in potato chips, but like a cracker chip. It’s got a nice crunch to it, which I actually prefer more than the original flakier Cheez-Its. They are also extremely addicting. I catch myself reaching into the box eating one after another after another after another. Even when my brain tells me it’s enough, my mouth still tells me it needs more….

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I know I haven’t done one of these in months and months – will you forgive me? My last quarter in school was so hectic and busy that it seemed like my life was on autopilot – I simply went through the same motions every day in an attempt to stay above water.

Going to class, full time internship, studying for exams, getting homework done, finding (healthy) things to eat every day, coming up with ideas for blog posts, making food for blog posts, taking pictures for said food, finding time to blog about them, and taking care of the house and family (furry babies)… I barely had enough time to sleep. Someone told me sleep is for the weak. Who needs it anyway?!

Boy am I glad my life is kind of getting back to normal – here are some things that have been going on in my life latley…



Who else is excited for the XXII Olympic Winter Games that’s coming up in less than 10 days?! This girl sure is. I look forward to the 17-day festivities every four years – it’s way more exciting than any major sporting event in my little world. Forget the Superbowl, forget the Summer Olympics, and forget the FIFA World Cup – the Winter Games rank #1 on my all-time list. Short track and long track speedskating are definitely my two favorite events. It was the whole reason I got into the sport of speedskating to begin with 12 years ago. I remember watching the 2002 Salt Lake games in high school and immediately falling in love with the sport – I thought to myself, “this sport is so cool. I want to do that.” A few months later, I owned my very first pair of speedskates and never turned back since. What are your favorite events to watch? Snowboarding, skiing, bobsledding, skeleton, and luge are some of my other favorites… basically any sport that involves going down a track/slope in insanely fast speeds. (logo from thelogofactory.com)


It has been a long time since I had the chance to sit down and read books “for fun”. I used to feel guilty about sitting on the couch for a few hours every night reading on my Kindle, simply because I felt like time spent reading should be better spent doing homework or studying or something “productive”. I have come to the conclusion that I simply cannot sit and relax for a night without feeling guilty. It’s a serious problem and I hate it. I hate sitting on the couch doing “nothing” (reading, watching TV) because I feel like I’m wasting time. Time that could be used to do productive things like studying, doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, brainstorming recipe ideas, writing blog posts, or organizing my life. These two books are new additions to my Kindle library. I’ve already finished “The Husband’s Secret” and have just started “Divergent“. The Husband’s Secret is a super easy book to read – it’s one of those that you can finish within a day or two and will leave you thinking. Divergent is the first book of a trilogy, and it is coming out as a major motion picture this March, so I figured why not give it a try… supposedly it is sorta similar to the Hunger Games trilogy, which I liked, so I’m hoping I’ll like this one too.

the_husbands_secret  index 


If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that we are currently in the process of giving our kitchen a makeover. A few months ago, it started with new appliances after our refrigerator decided it was time to die on us. Then a few weeks ago, we installed our new granite countertops along with a new sink and faucet. Then we bought a few dozen sheets of glass/stone mosaic backsplash, so getting that installed would be next on the agenda.


“Hi, I’m Amy. And I’m addicted to Instagram.” Seriously, out of all the available social media networks that I’m a part of (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn), Instagram has got to be my favorite. I love being able to document my everyday life through pictures with a simple caption. I also love following a variety of people that I normally wouldn’t follow on Twitter simply because, who would want to scroll through a bunch of words when they can scroll through a bunch of fun pictures instead? It’s fun to show friends and family a glimpse of my everyday life, and seeing what other people’s lives are like in return. (that sounded just a tad creepy, but I promise I’m not a stalker!)


Even though I’m now done with school and it seems like there’s nothing worth writing in a planner other than the days that I work, I still catch myself feeling lost and overwhelmed without one. Although I consider myself a tech savvy individual and it’s easy and convenient to simply put things down on my computer’s calendar and have it synced to my phone, there’s still something about being able to physically write things down on a traditional planner that makes me feel a little bit more organized. Like I have my life together. And for that reason, I decided to get a Life Planner this year, after hearing so many wonderful things about it from the blogging world. It doesn’t hurt that the pretty colors make it that much more inviting and fun to use…. not that that was a factor in determining which one I ended up getting………[ahem]



Who will you be rooting for this Sunday when the Broncos take on the Seahawks? Our house is rooting for the SEAHAWKS, since, well, we’re practically in love with that city. We also have a few delicious finger foods planned and while Brian watches the game, I will be looking forward to all the commercials!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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I know we’re a good month into 2014 already – is it too late to start a list of new year resolutions? In case it’s not too late for me to hop on the new year resolutions train, I have compiled a list of things I’d like to improve on during the remaining 11 months of 2014.


On a side note – can you believe 2014 is already 1/12 over?! I can’t. I also can’t believe Target already has Easter candy out on their shelves. I mean c’mon, February isn’t even here yet. We haven’t even had Valentine’s Day either. And what’s up with rack fulls of summer bikinis? Seriously – Target does know that this is Minnesota, the land of 30-degree weathers up until May, right?

Oh yeah. Back to resolutions… unlike some of my friends, I didn’t come up with this list on New Years Eve. These aren’t necessarily the “typical” things people put on their list (i.e. stop smoking, go to the gym more, get in shape, etc… <— although those are good too!)… These are things that have been on my mind for quite some time now, and since I’m done with school and will be having a “regular” schedule to my life, this will be the year that I accomplish some of my goals that I’ve always wanted to do.

So in case you were wondering what goals I have for 2014, here they are:

  • Be better at creating photo memories of our lives. I have always had the tendency to go a little shutter happy (I get it from my mom) – I had to upgrade to a 16G iPhone because I simply had too many pictures on my old 8G phone that I didn’t have enough space to update my apps. However, I haven’t been developing pictures and creating photo books as much as I would like either, so all the pictures of our past 3 years together have been kept on my phone. Now that I have more time on my hands, I want to spend more time creating tangible photo book memories for us. As great as the digital age is, there’s still something about flipping though actual pictures and reliving memories that makes it better than looking at pictures on your computer screen. This leads me to my next resolution…
  • Project Life. After reading multiple other bloggers rave about how simple and easy this system is, I took the plunge and bought myself an album, a core kit, and some photo pocket pages! Once upon a time, I attempted the traditional scrapbooking thing, but quickly realized that 1) I didn’t have time to sit around cutting and pasting and designing a single page, 2) I found out that buying all the supplies quickly drains your bank account, and 3) I simply was not creative enough to come up with cool ways to “decorate” a page. My analytical, logical left-sided brain just was not capable of being creative. I’m also hoping the simplicity of PL will motivate me to take more pictures, develop more pictures, and take time out every month to document big things that happen in our lives.

              Project life

  • Be more adventurous. This year marks the first year that I officially enter the real world and no longer have to worry about homework, school, exams, and papers. I’m (optimistically) hoping that this means I will have more free time on my hands. Now that I can relax and enjoy my days off, I want to go out and do fun things outside…. things that I’ve always wanted to do for years (and things that I haven’t been able to do because of school). I’ve always wanted to go rock climbing. I’ve always wanted to go to a shooting range. I’ve been itching to go snowshoeing. I’ve always wanted to go for a long drive up north in the fall and take beautiful pictures of the fall colors. I want to go pick a pumpkin and carve it – I’ve never carved a pumpkin before (can you believe that?). I want to go mini golfing, lay out in the sun, have barbeques with friends, and take my bike out for a spin. The list can go on and on, but you get the idea.
  • Menu plan. Although we do a pretty good job at menu planning every once in a while, I would like for it to be more consistent, since “what’s for dinner?” seems to be the world’s most difficult question in our house. I recently created a Menu Planning binder after a little inspiration from Pinterest, so I’d like to put that in use more and plan 1-2 weeks worth of dinner menus ahead of time to make life a little bit easier. This is what my menu planner looks like – of course, a little bit of colorful sticky notes doesn’t hurt either :)

             Menu 2

             Menu 3 

             Menu 1

  • Improve my food photography skills. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I know my photography skills have come a long way since SEF started a year ago, but I know I still have a long ways to go. It’s quite funny how much food (blogging, styling, photographing, and the making of food) has taken over my life – I think about it almost every single waking moment. When I wake up, I think about what I’m going to make today. Before I fall asleep, I think about what I need to make the next day. I also think about food nonstop throughout the day. When I watch TV, it’s usually about food. Even the books I read involve some aspect about food. I want to learn more about the lighting and styling of food, since we all eat with our eyes, right?
  • Learn how to make macarons. This actually has been on my bucket list for quite some time now. I have a few macaron recipes, but I just never really had the time courage to attempt them. Maybe this will be my year…
  • Learn how to make bread. The only bread I have ever made are my mom’s banana bread. I’m hoping I can expand my horizons and learn how to make homemade bread that isn’t just plain old banana bread.
  • Be better at brushing Bentley’s teeth on a regular basis. No one likes brushing their pet’s teeth. And 9 times out of 10, the dog hates it just as much as we do. Bentley’s definitely one of those dogs and brushing his teeth is a two-person job. All he does is lick the toothpaste and gnaw on the toothbrush. I swear most of the time his teeth isn’t properly brushed, and everybody is left annoyed and frustrated. I know how important it is to brush your pet’s teeth. I know that periodontal disease is the #1 dental disease in canines. I know boxers are especially prone to certain dental problems. And most of all, I know how much it can potentially cost (financially) if your pet’s teeth are not properly taken care of. For all those reasons, I want to be better at brushing Bentley’s teeth on a regular basis this year. Even if it seems like all he did was swallow the toothpaste, I have to remind myself that anything is better than nothing, and that plaque and tartar can form within hours of eating. Hopefully diligent teeth-brushing will save us some dental cleaning bills in the future.

So that’s it, folks! Those are my major goals for 2014. Do you usually come up with new year resolutions? What are they? Do you follow them?

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As 2013 comes to a close and we welcome the arrival of 2014, let’s look back at all the fun things that happened this year:

2013 was the year of firsts…

First and foremost, this was the year I finally took the plunge and started my own food blog. I’m not sure when and how this obsession with food started, but if it weren’t for Brian’s encouragement to do this, SEF wouldn’t even exist. And thank you to all of you who have visited my little space on the internet – it’s been exciting to watch this site grow everyday! I’ve also had a lot of fun learning about food photography, baking, and food styling. It’s crazy to see how far my pictures have come since SEF started back in February. I still have a lot to learn but I’m excited to see what the future brings!

I participated in my first food blogger event this year – the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap! It was such a fun event for a great cause… I’ll definitely be doing it again next year!

cookie swap

We went to Nelson’s in Stillwater and had ginormous ice cream cones. Pictured here, a “kids” sized cone is served with 5 generous large scoops of ice cream for less than $3 (if my memory is correct). I definitely recommend that place – there are so many different flavors to choose from!


Bentley turned one and his momma made him a homemade 2-layered cake


Shortly after his 1st birthday, Bentley got an anal gland abscess and had to wear the infamous cone of shame for the first time.


Bentley also enjoyed his first winter here in Minnesota! He really is a snow bunny at heart (his parents are not though).


We had our very first thanksgiving together, complete with a 15-lb turkey, homemade stuffing, bacon green beans, honey jalapeno corn bread, pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes, and mashed potatoes and gravy.


We also went to Seattle for the first time ever! Oh man oh man was I in food heaven! All the seafood, all the Taiwanese food… the ocean, the mountains, Pike Place Market…. I’m totally in love with that city – it feels like home. You can read all about our first trip there here. We actually loved the city so much that we went back for a second time as an anniversary present to ourselves. Maybe one day we’ll be able to move there and go shopping at Pike Place Market every Saturday morning…



I’ll be perfectly content if I can have donuts and coffee for breakfast every morning…


…and Ding Tai Fung for lunch everyday




And as usual, we went to the Minnesota State Fair at the end of summer and ate a bunch of food.. you can read about my recap of my Fair experience here.


photo 3 copy 

I also graduated from vet tech school this winter! It has really been a fun two years… I’ll miss my instructors and classmates, but I’m excited to go out to the real world and apply what I have learned in school! It’s kind of weird now that I have all this free time on my hands though… I must say, the class that surprised me the most theses two years was my large production animal class. I wasn’t (and till am not) a fan of large animals, but I sure had fun on our field trips to the farm!

We got to wrestle goats for blood draws, learn how to milk cows for the California Mastitis Test, run around with alpacas and much much more.

goat  cow

I’ll still always be a city girl at heart though.

And of course, we’ve went to plenty of sports games…

Minnesota Vikings football


Minnesota Wild hockey


Minnesota Twins baseball


Seattle Mariners baseball


Seattle Seahawks football


These are just a fraction of what happened in 2013 – I’m excited to see what 2014 brings!

Happy early New Year everyone!

© Simple Everyday Food. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use any of my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or kindly link back to this post for the recipe.

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If you don’t hear from me for a few days, don’t fret! Our refrigerator decided to die on us a few days ago, and our new one isn’t going to be delivered until sometime Friday. Yep, I open my freezer one morning and my ice cream has leaked through the carton and melted into a little puddle. Our milk is warm, and we have water in our ice cube trays..

You know what that means: no fridge = no food = no cooking = no posts! Sad, I know. I was just as sad when I realized we had to toss ALL of our food that was in the freezer and fridge (Brian didn’t want to take any chances). This included a few essential everyday supplies – milk, coffee creamer, eggs, yogurt, ICE CREAM… Oh man, it was a sad, sad day. All our groceries filled two and a half large kitchen garbage bags, and they’re currently residing in a little grocery cemetery at the end of our driveway. Not only do we not have any milk to drink, I also can’t make coffee because I don’t have any creamer! You have no idea how good a large cold glass of milk sounds right now.

You really don’t realize how much you rely on your refrigerator until you don’t have one anymore! How did people survive back in the day before fridges were even invented?!

On the brighter side of things, since we were already planning on doing some major kitchen renovation/upgrades next spring and getting new appliances were one thing on our list, we decided to buy a new stove/range while we were at it too. I think I might be more excited about this new oven I’m getting than the refrigerator – it’s a convection oven! Apparently it creates restaurant-quality desserts… well I guess I’ll just have to make something in it to try it out :)

 I’ll be back when I finally get some fresh groceries in my new fridge! Until then, stay warm and enjoy the crisp fall weather before the snow falls!

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